Hello from Jim Tree,
With the recent ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the information I will be sharing in the upcoming Teleclass is all the more pertinent.
This incident has already changed the way many of us will live, forever. Just as the dropping of the Atomic bomb changed forever how people would live on this planet, this disaster will also change our human experience from now on. The question is, how will you experience this change?
This is exactly why I am teaching this class. Even as horrific as this oil pollution is, we have the tools to change disaster into evolution. The class is developing into a rather lively group already and if you haven't registered yet, we would love to have you join us.
Perhaps you know of others that would benefit from the class, those who are ready to create an abundant and fulfilling life, no matter what challenges cross our path. If so pass this invitation on to them as well.
To introduce them to me, you can have them listen to a free one hour class on "Creating a Sustainable Life" located on my web sites home page. (Click here.)
"Preparing for a Certain future Teleclass" will give you information on how to be able to face the "uncertain times" we are in no matter if the challenges come in the form of shifts of society or shifts of the planet itself.
I will teach six sessions via a Teleclass which you can access over the Internet or by telephone, the choice is yours.
Each class will be one hour long with time after for questions and answers. The class will be held on Tuesday evenings at 9 eastern, 8 central, 7 mountain and 6 pacific time. The first class is on June, 15, 2010.
Note: If you live in a time zone where this class takes place during the middle of the night, you will be able to download an MP3 of it the next day. You can then e-mail me any questions and I will respond personally to you via a return e-mail.
Class 1. Preparing for a Certain future. What predictions have told us would happen, is happening and what will be happening soon. This is why our future is certain rather than uncertain. The time line has been mapped out centuries ago and we now find ourselves in the midst of predicted shifts and changes. Armed with the understanding of these predictions we can adjust our lives and situations to meet oncoming challenges in a good way, for ourselves and for the planet as well. I will share what actions you can take to start experiencing the abundant and fulfilling life you were born to live.
Class 2. What do you deserve? Unfortunately most of us who were raised in today's society suffer from deeply implanted beliefs that we are not worthy of goodness, abundance, happiness or fulfillment. I will be teaching how I overcame these crippling subconscious patterns and accessed the riches of the universe in every realm. As I like to say when asked why I live such an abundant and fulfilled life, "If I can do it anyone can!"
Class 3. Why are we here? Understanding why you/we are living here in this time is essential to open the doorway of living to the fullest expression of the miracle you are. I will give you the tools to discover your life purpose and how to receive the wonderful gifts you need to live out the purpose.
Class 4. The path to abundance. Discover what true abundance is and how to enter into it permanently. I will share with you how to remove anything that blocks you from receiving the abundance that is your particular destiny. Start living the abundant life today.
Class 5. Building your own Sacred Circle. We have been told from ages past that we need to live in harmony with all of creation. This is essential for going through the transformations all around and ahead of us. I will give you the tools to recognize those who are your soul family, the ones you are being brought together with in order to live your life to fulfill your reason for being here.
Class 6. Entering the foretold age of peace? Every spiritual path talks of an age of peace after dramatic shifts that are to happen on our planet and within our society. I will share the secret of how other societies have gone through similar shifts. I will show you how you can be standing next to someone and experience peace and abundance while they are experiencing the exact opposite. This class is so timely as we watch everything around us changing rapidly.
The tuition for this class is $125.00 for all six weeks. In addition to the class, which you will be able to download all six lessons to listen to again and again, To get information about other books and teaching CD's, as well as personal sessions with me, click here.
To register click the buy now button below.