This is a book that combines information from Quantum
science, the medical science of Cranial Osteopathy and a
tradition dating back over 30,000 years amongst the
Aboriginal healers of Australia.
All the authentic mystics, medicine people, psychics
and the seers from the past were unique, special people
that had the ability to live charmed lives and perform
"miracles." What the author has discovered is that
human beings are at place and time where we all are
awakening to be able to accesses these gifts/abilities.
Reviews are at the bottom of this page
Signed copy, $24.00 USD includes shipping
or order it from Amazon unsigned. Available
in soft cover or as a Kindle E book.
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The Athro Technique
All the authentic mystics, medicine people, psychics and the seers from
the past were unique, special people that had the ability to live charmed
lives and perform "miracles." What the author has discovered is that
human beings are at place and time where we all are awakening to be
able to access these gifts/abilities. By reading this book you will learn how
and why this human evolution is taking place. You will learn how to
communicate with your own Athro and as a result be able to help change
this society/world we are experiencing today, into the peaceful and
abundant life gifted to this planet. You will learn how to use the Athro
Technique to accomplish these changes for a better life for yourself and
a better world as well. Science has discovered something defined as
the “zero-point field” of energy in Hyperspace, the name science has given
to the next dimension. It is described as a point where there is no heat and
therefore there should be no molecular movement. However, there is still
some movement within molecules. According to regular Physics this
cannot be and yet it does exist. Studies of this mystery have revealed that
there is an intelligence located at this zero point field of energy and it
appears to be what some call the Hall of the Akashic Records. This is the
dimension where we can access all the information that is past, present
and future. It’s where authentic psychics go to read your future; they have
the gift, an extra sense that they’re able to use to get this information.
Every human being can access this information, it’s just a matter of
developing the additional senses and James will be helping you do
that by revealing the secrets found in this book.
What People are saying about "The Athro Technique"
I found the subject to be incredibly interesting and the path to finding the
connection with an individuals' Athro easy to believe in and follow. This is a
time of great spiritual sharing and awaking and I am grateful to Jim Tree
for the sharing of this way and the future it can bring to everyone who
seeks it. His amazing life and examples are seeds planted for me to now
grow. Thank you for your insight and your book.
A short stroll through the forests of distraction and illusion to the high
mountain meadow of truth and light, with many smiles along the path.
Well done James Tree-Gilmore!
I love this book! I have been using the Athro Technique in my
craniosacral business. Fabulous results. A must read.
Easy to understand and engaging! Even though I've read many books
about spiritual topics and spiritual practices, I genuinely got so much
from this book.